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Interview Guru





Domain: Systems Administrator

Sector: Information Technology


It’s for the following job interviews:

Linux Systems Administrator, Storage administrators, DBAs, Database Managers, System administrators, IT Managers, Technical Services Manager, IT Directors, CIO, Linux Administrator, UNIX/Linux Admin,System Administrator – Linux


Why this book:

You will notice that you have all the information to impress an Interviewer. It will help you to convey powerful and useful Linux Systems administration information to the employer successfully. Try to be in parking lot an hour before the interview and use this time to read over this E-book.  It has (around 200 kindle pages, in kindle: font size: 5) It has been well written to make it a very quick read. Practicing with this interview questions and answers in the mirror will help with your replies to questions and pass with flying colors as it also covers non-technical, HR and Personnel questions in brief including answers.


You will learn to practice mock interviews and answer Linux Systems Administrator

Questions you'll most likely be asked:


All aspects of day-to-day Linux Administration

Install the Linux Operating System Using Kick start

Performing software installations and upgrades to Linux operating systems

Monitoring and tuning the Linux system to achieve optimum levels of performance

Install new software releases, system upgrades, evaluate and install Linux patches

Ensure proper Linux security, monitoring, alerting and reporting

Configure and test network interfaces

Configure partitions, file systems and swap space

Install and manage software using rpm, yum and rhn

Manage processes and system logs

LDAP services on Unix/Linux

Perform Linux system backup and recovery

Package Management, File system Management, User Administration

Configure Partitions, File Systems and Swap Space

Install and Manage Software Using Rpm

Manage Processes and System Logs

OS troubleshooting, kernel tweaking and system automation




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You will learn to practice mock interviews and answer Linux Systems Administrator

Questions you'll most likely be asked:


All aspects of day-to-day Linux Administration

Install the Linux Operating System Using Kick start

Performing software installations and upgrades to Linux operating systems

Monitoring and tuning the Linux system to achieve optimum levels of performance

Install new software releases, system upgrades, evaluate and install Linux patches

Ensure proper Linux security, monitoring, alerting and reporting

Configure and test network interfaces

Configure partitions, file systems and swap space

Install and manage software using rpm, yum and rhn

Manage processes and system logs

Troubleshoot systems

Perform Linux system backup and recovery

Package Management, File system Management, User Administration

Configure Partitions, File Systems and Swap Space

Install and Manage Software Using Rpm

Manage Processes and System Logs

OS troubleshooting, kernel tweaking and system automation

How to identify Linux Kernel Versions?


Linux kernel was developed by community in 1990s. 

It’s consistent:

[Version]. [Patch Level]. [Sublevel]- [Extraversion]

Latest Stable Kernel:

Kernel: 3.1, 24 October 2011


How to automate installation?


Use Kickstart


RedHat Enterprise Linux 3 KickStart configurations files:










How to setup Kickstart?



Register machine in LANDB and BOOTP server

Put KS cfg file on NFS server

Load installer on target using

Installer contacts BOOTP server and gets network info and KS config file

Mount install server

Start main installation



If the kickstart file is on a boot CD-ROM insert the CD-ROM into the system, boot the system, and enter the following command at the boot: prompt (where ks.cfg is the name of the kickstart file):



How to configure the partition?


Set the mount point

Set the SWAP size

Set the /boot space

Enable Ext3 formatting


fdisk - Partition table manipulator for Linux


fdisk [-uc] [-b sectorsize] [-C cyls] [-H heads] [-S sects] device

fdisk -l [-u] [device...]

fdisk -s partition...

fdisk -v

fdisk -h


What partitions will you create?


I will create multiple partitions :


/       Root file system. Should just contain /bin, /sbin, /dev,


        /lib, and /etc.

/usr    Programmes and source code.

/var    Variable data, such as spools, man pages, news and mail

        queues, database data.

/boot   Boot kernels.

/home   User data and "stuff".

/tmp    Temporary file locations




How to perform User Administration?




who  Displays currently logged in users.

who -uH for idle time and terminal info.

users  Show all users logged in. 

w  Displays currently logged in users and processes they are running. 

whoami  Displays user id.

groups  Display groups you are part of.

set  Display all environment variables in your current environment. 

id  Display user and all group ids.

last  Listing of most recent logins by users.

history  Shell command to display previously entered commands


How to perform System Monitoring?


Basic command line:

 pstree : Processes and parent-child relationships

top : Shows top processes

ps -auxw  :process status

vmstat  :Monitors  virtual memory

free : Displays amount of free and used memory in the system


What are the init runlevels defined in Linux?

0 - halt (Do NOT set initdefault to this)

1 - Single user mode

2 - Multiuser, without Network

3 – Text Mode

4 - unused

5 – Graphical Mode

6 - reboot

How to setup NFS?


Edit /etc/exports file before starting the nfs server.

/     IP Address  (rw,no_root_squash)

This will export all files with root r/w to host IP Address

Save your exports file and from the prompt execute exportfs command

Start the nfs server (nfs daemon)

 /etc/rc.d/inid.d/nfs start

How to reboot?

/sbin/shutdown −r now


Which file is used for NTP configuration?


The NTP program is configured using /etc/ntp.conf

How to remove duplicate lines from a sorted file?





Which file resolves hostname?



The kernel configuration  for Tape drive?

 File for device entries is /etc/stinit.def

"stinit"  to  initialize the st (scsi tape) driver.


To test the  tape drive configuration ?

> mt -f /dev/nst0 stat




What are the access permission of file/directory?

0 = Nothing
1 = Execute
2 = Write
3 = Execute & Write  (2 + 1)
4 = Read
5 = Execute & Read (4 + 1)
6 = Read & Write (4 + 2)
7 = Execute & Read & Write (4 + 2 + 1)


Set user ID, set group ID, sticky bit?


In addition to the basic permissions discussed above, there are also three bits of information defined for files in UNIX:

SUID or setuid: change user ID on execution. If setuid bit is set, when the file will be executed by a user, the process will have the same rights as the owner of the file being executed.

SGID or setgid: change group ID on execution. Same as above, but inherits rights of the group of the owner of the file. For directories it also may mean that when a new file is created in the directory it will inherit the group of the directory (and not of the user who created the file).

Sticky bit. It was used to trigger process to "stick" in memory after it is finished, now this usage is obsolete. Currently its use is system dependant and it is mostly used to suppress deletion of the files that belong to other users in the folder where you have "write" access to.

Numeric representation

Octal digit

Binary value




setuid, setgid, sticky bits are cleared



sticky bit is set



setgid bit is set



setgid and sticky bits are set



setuid bit is set



setuid and sticky bits are set



setuid and setgid bits are set



setuid, setgid, sticky bits are set

Textual representation


If set, then replaces "x" in the owner permissions to "s", if owner has execute permissions, or to "S" otherwise. Examples:
-rws------ both owner execute and SUID are set
-r-S------ SUID is set, but owner execute is not set


If set, then replaces "x" in the group permissions to "s", if group has execute permissions, or to "S" otherwise. Examples:
-rwxrws--- both group execute and SGID are set
-rwxr-S--- SGID is set, but group execute is not set


If set, then replaces "x" in the others permissions to "t", if others have execute permissions, or to "T" otherwise. Examples:
-rwxrwxrwt both others execute and sticky bit are set
-rwxrwxr-T sticky bit is set, but others execute is not set


suid -- this special permission allows the file to be executed with the security permissions of the

file owner instead of the permission of the user who ran the program. This can be a source of security problems. Some daemons run as suid root. The suid permission is seen as an "S" in the user executable position a long directory listing (ls -l). Has no effect if the file is not executable.

To set the suid permission:
chmod u+s filename

sgid -- this special permission allows the file to be run with the security permissions of the group instead of the permission of the user who ran the program. This can be a source of security problems. The sgid permission is seen as an "S" in the group executable position a long directory listing (ls -l). Has no effect if the file is not executable.

To set the sgid permission:

chmod g+s filename



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